Source code for poker.hand

import re
import random
import itertools
import functools
from decimal import Decimal
from pathlib import Path
from cached_property import cached_property
from ._common import PokerEnum, _ReprMixin
from .card import Rank, Card, BROADWAY_RANKS

__all__ = [

# pregenerated all the possible suit combinations, so we don't have to count them all the time
_PAIR_SUIT_COMBINATIONS = ("cd", "ch", "cs", "dh", "ds", "hs")
_SUITED_SUIT_COMBINATIONS = ("cc", "dd", "hh", "ss")

[docs]class Shape(PokerEnum): OFFSUIT = "o", "offsuit", "off" SUITED = "s", "suited" PAIR = ("",)
class _HandMeta(type): """Makes Hand class iterable. __iter__ goes through all hands in ascending order.""" def __new__(metacls, clsname, bases, classdict): """Cache all possible Hand instances on the class itself.""" cls = super(_HandMeta, metacls).__new__(metacls, clsname, bases, classdict) cls._all_hands = tuple(cls._get_non_pairs()) + tuple(cls._get_pairs()) return cls def _get_non_pairs(cls): for rank1 in Rank: for rank2 in (r for r in Rank if r < rank1): yield cls(f"{rank1}{rank2}o") yield cls(f"{rank1}{rank2}s") def _get_pairs(cls): for rank in Rank: yield cls(rank.val * 2) def __iter__(cls): return iter(cls._all_hands) def make_random(cls): obj = object.__new__(cls) first = Rank.make_random() second = Rank.make_random() obj._set_ranks_in_order(first, second) if first == second: obj._shape = "" else: obj._shape = random.choice(["s", "o"]) return obj
[docs]@functools.total_ordering class Hand(_ReprMixin, metaclass=_HandMeta): """General hand without a precise suit. Only knows about two ranks and shape.""" __slots__ = ("first", "second", "_shape") def __new__(cls, hand): if isinstance(hand, cls): return hand if len(hand) not in (2, 3): raise ValueError("Length should be 2 (pair) or 3 (hand)") first, second = hand[:2] self = object.__new__(cls) if len(hand) == 2: if first != second: raise ValueError( "%r, Not a pair! Maybe you need to specify a suit?" % hand ) self._shape = "" elif len(hand) == 3: shape = hand[2].lower() if first == second: raise ValueError(f"{hand!r}; pairs can't have a suit: {shape!r}") if shape not in ("s", "o"): raise ValueError(f"{hand!r}; Invalid shape: {shape!r}") self._shape = shape self._set_ranks_in_order(first, second) return self def __str__(self): return f"{self.first}{self.second}{self.shape}" def __hash__(self): return hash(self.first) + hash(self.second) + hash(self.shape) def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: return NotImplemented # AKs != AKo, because AKs is better return ( self.first == other.first and self.second == other.second and self.shape.val == other.shape.val ) def __lt__(self, other): if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: return NotImplemented # pairs are better than non-pairs if not self.is_pair and other.is_pair: return True elif self.is_pair and not other.is_pair: return False elif ( not self.is_pair and not other.is_pair and self.first == other.first and self.second == other.second and self._shape != other._shape ): # when Rank match, only suit is the deciding factor # so, offsuit hand is 'less' than suited return self._shape == "o" elif self.first == other.first: return self.second < other.second else: return self.first < other.first def _set_ranks_in_order(self, first, second): # set as Rank objects. self.first, self.second = Rank(first), Rank(second) if self.first < self.second: self.first, self.second = self.second, self.first
[docs] def to_combos(self): first, second = self.first.val, self.second.val if self.is_pair: return tuple( Combo(first + s1 + first + s2) for s1, s2 in _PAIR_SUIT_COMBINATIONS ) elif self.is_offsuit: return tuple( Combo(first + s1 + second + s2) for s1, s2 in _OFFSUIT_SUIT_COMBINATIONS ) else: return tuple( Combo(first + s1 + second + s2) for s1, s2 in _SUITED_SUIT_COMBINATIONS )
@property def is_suited_connector(self): return self.is_suited and self.is_connector @property def is_suited(self): return self._shape == "s" @property def is_offsuit(self): return self._shape == "o" @property def is_connector(self): return self.rank_difference == 1 @property def is_one_gapper(self): return self.rank_difference == 2 @property def is_two_gapper(self): return self.rank_difference == 3 @property def rank_difference(self): """The difference between the first and second rank of the Hand.""" # self.first >= self.second return Rank.difference(self.first, self.second) @property def is_broadway(self): return self.first in BROADWAY_RANKS and self.second in BROADWAY_RANKS @property def is_pair(self): return self.first == self.second @property def shape(self): return Shape(self._shape) @shape.setter def shape(self, value): self._shape = Shape(value).val
PAIR_HANDS = tuple(hand for hand in Hand if hand.is_pair) """Tuple of all pair hands in ascending order.""" OFFSUIT_HANDS = tuple(hand for hand in Hand if hand.is_offsuit) """Tuple of offsuit hands in ascending order.""" SUITED_HANDS = tuple(hand for hand in Hand if hand.is_suited) """Tuple of suited hands in ascending order."""
[docs]@functools.total_ordering class Combo(_ReprMixin): """Hand combination.""" __slots__ = ("first", "second") def __new__(cls, combo): if isinstance(combo, Combo): return combo if len(combo) != 4: raise ValueError("%r, should have a length of 4" % combo) elif combo[0] == combo[2] and combo[1] == combo[3]: raise ValueError(f"{combo!r}, Pair can't have the same suit: {combo[1]!r}") self = super().__new__(cls) self._set_cards_in_order(combo[:2], combo[2:]) return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_cards(cls, first, second): self = super().__new__(cls) first = first.rank.val + first.suit.val second = second.rank.val + second.suit.val self._set_cards_in_order(first, second) return self
def __str__(self): return f"{self.first}{self.second}" def __hash__(self): return hash(self.first) + hash(self.second) def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return self.first == other.first and self.second == other.second return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if self.__class__ is not other.__class__: return NotImplemented # lookup optimization self_is_pair, other_is_pair = self.is_pair, other.is_pair self_first, other_first = self.first, other.first if self_is_pair and other_is_pair: if self_first == other_first: return self.second < other.second return self_first < other_first elif self_is_pair or other_is_pair: # Pairs are better than non-pairs return self_is_pair < other_is_pair else: if self_first.rank == other_first.rank: if self.second.rank == other.second.rank: # same ranks, suited go first in order by Suit rank if self.is_suited or other.is_suited: return self.is_suited < other.is_suited # both are suited return self_first.suit < other_first.suit return self.second < other.second return self_first < other_first def _set_cards_in_order(self, first, second): self.first, self.second = Card(first), Card(second) if self.first < self.second: self.first, self.second = self.second, self.first
[docs] def to_hand(self): """Convert combo to :class:`Hand` object, losing suit information.""" return Hand(f"{self.first.rank}{self.second.rank}{self.shape}")
@property def is_suited_connector(self): return self.is_suited and self.is_connector @property def is_suited(self): return self.first.suit == self.second.suit @property def is_offsuit(self): return not self.is_suited and not self.is_pair @property def is_connector(self): return self.rank_difference == 1 @property def is_one_gapper(self): return self.rank_difference == 2 @property def is_two_gapper(self): return self.rank_difference == 3 @property def rank_difference(self): """The difference between the first and second rank of the Combo.""" # self.first >= self.second return Rank.difference(self.first.rank, self.second.rank) @property def is_pair(self): return self.first.rank == self.second.rank @property def is_broadway(self): return self.first.is_broadway and self.second.is_broadway @property def shape(self): if self.is_pair: return Shape.PAIR elif self.is_suited: return Shape.SUITED else: return Shape.OFFSUIT @shape.setter def shape(self, value): self._shape = Shape(value).val
class _RegexRangeLexer: _separator_re = re.compile(r"[,;\s]+") _rank = r"([2-9TJQKA])" _suit = r"[cdhs♣♦♥♠]" # the second card is not the same as the first # (negative lookahead for the first matching group) # this will not match pairs, but will match e.g. 86 or AK _nonpair1 = rf"{_rank}(?!\1){_rank}" _nonpair2 = rf"{_rank}(?!\2){_rank}" rules = ( # NAME, REGEX, value extractor METHOD NAME ("ALL", r"XX", "_get_value"), ("PAIR", rf"{_rank}\1$", "_get_first"), ("PAIR_PLUS", rf"{_rank}\1\+$", "_get_first"), ("PAIR_MINUS", rf"{_rank}\1-$", "_get_first"), ("PAIR_DASH", rf"{_rank}\1-{_rank}\2$", "_get_for_pair_dash"), ("BOTH", rf"{_nonpair1}$", "_get_first_two"), ("BOTH_PLUS", rf"{_nonpair1}\+$", "_get_first_two"), ("BOTH_MINUS", rf"{_nonpair1}-$", "_get_first_two"), ("BOTH_DASH", rf"{_nonpair1}-{_nonpair2}$", "_get_for_both_dash"), ("SUITED", rf"{_nonpair1}s$", "_get_first_two"), ("SUITED_PLUS", rf"{_nonpair1}s\+$", "_get_first_two"), ("SUITED_MINUS", rf"{_nonpair1}s-$", "_get_first_two"), ("SUITED_DASH", rf"{_nonpair1}s-{_nonpair2}s$", "_get_for_shaped_dash"), ("OFFSUIT", rf"{_nonpair1}o$", "_get_first_two"), ("OFFSUIT_PLUS", rf"{_nonpair1}o\+$", "_get_first_two"), ("OFFSUIT_MINUS", rf"{_nonpair1}o-$", "_get_first_two"), ("OFFSUIT_DASH", rf"{_nonpair1}o-{_nonpair2}o$", "_get_for_shaped_dash"), ("X_SUITED", rf"{_rank}Xs$|X{_rank}s$", "_get_rank"), ("X_SUITED_PLUS", rf"{_rank}Xs\+$|X{_rank}s\+$", "_get_rank"), ("X_SUITED_MINUS", rf"{_rank}Xs-$|X{_rank}s-$", "_get_rank"), ("X_OFFSUIT", rf"{_rank}Xo$|X{_rank}o$", "_get_rank"), ("X_OFFSUIT_PLUS", rf"{_rank}Xo\+$|X{_rank}o\+$", "_get_rank"), ("X_OFFSUIT_MINUS", rf"{_rank}Xo-$|X{_rank}o-$", "_get_rank"), ("X_PLUS", rf"{_rank}X\+$|X{_rank}\+$", "_get_rank"), ("X_MINUS", rf"{_rank}X-$|X{_rank}-$", "_get_rank"), ("X_BOTH", rf"{_rank}X$|X{_rank}$", "_get_rank"), # might be anything, even pair # FIXME: 5s5s accepted ("COMBO", rf"{_rank}{_suit}{_rank}{_suit}$", "_get_value"), ) # compile regexes when initializing class, so every instance will have them precompiled rules = [ (name, re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE), method) for (name, regex, method) in rules ] def __init__(self, range=""): # filter out empty matches self.tokens = [token for token in self._separator_re.split(range) if token] def __iter__(self): """Goes through all the tokens and compare them with the regex rules. If it finds a match, makes an appropriate value for the token and yields them. """ for token in self.tokens: for name, regex, method_name in self.rules: if regex.match(token): val_method = getattr(self, method_name) yield name, val_method(token) break else: raise ValueError("Invalid token: %s" % token) @staticmethod def _get_value(token): return token @staticmethod def _get_first(token): return token[0] @staticmethod def _get_rank(token): return token[0] if token[1].upper() == "X" else token[1] @classmethod def _get_in_order(cls, first_part, second_part, token): smaller, bigger = cls._get_rank_in_order(token, first_part, second_part) return smaller.val, bigger.val @classmethod def _get_first_two(cls, token): return cls._get_in_order(0, 1, token) @classmethod def _get_for_pair_dash(cls, token): return cls._get_in_order(0, 3, token) @classmethod def _get_first_smaller_bigger(cls, first_part, second_part, token): smaller1, bigger1 = cls._get_rank_in_order(token[first_part], 0, 1) smaller2, bigger2 = cls._get_rank_in_order(token[second_part], 0, 1) if bigger1 != bigger2: raise ValueError("Invalid token: %s" % token) smaller, bigger = min(smaller1, smaller2), max(smaller1, smaller2) return bigger1.val, smaller.val, bigger.val @staticmethod def _get_rank_in_order(token, first_part, second_part): first, second = Rank(token[first_part]), Rank(token[second_part]) smaller, bigger = min(first, second), max(first, second) return smaller, bigger @classmethod # for 'A5-AT' def _get_for_both_dash(cls, token): return cls._get_first_smaller_bigger(slice(0, 2), slice(3, 5), token) @classmethod # for 'A5o-ATo' and 'A5s-ATs' def _get_for_shaped_dash(cls, token): return cls._get_first_smaller_bigger(slice(0, 2), slice(4, 6), token)
[docs]@functools.total_ordering class Range: """Parses a str range into tuple of Combos (or Hands).""" slots = ("_hands", "_combos") def __init__(self, range=""): self._hands = set() self._combos = set() for name, value in _RegexRangeLexer(range): if name == "ALL": for card in itertools.combinations("AKQJT98765432", 2): self._add_offsuit(card) self._add_suited(card) for rank in "AKQJT98765432": self._add_pair(rank) # full range, no need to parse any more name break elif name == "PAIR": self._add_pair(value) elif name == "PAIR_PLUS": smallest = Rank(value) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank >= smallest): self._add_pair(rank) elif name == "PAIR_MINUS": biggest = Rank(value) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank <= biggest): self._add_pair(rank) elif name == "PAIR_DASH": first, second = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1]) ranks = (rank.val for rank in Rank if first <= rank <= second) for rank in ranks: self._add_pair(rank) elif name == "BOTH": self._add_offsuit(value[0] + value[1]) self._add_suited(value[0] + value[1]) elif name == "X_BOTH": for rank in (r.val for r in Rank if r < Rank(value)): self._add_suited(value + rank) self._add_offsuit(value + rank) elif name == "OFFSUIT": self._add_offsuit(value[0] + value[1]) elif name == "SUITED": self._add_suited(value[0] + value[1]) elif name == "X_OFFSUIT": biggest = Rank(value) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank < biggest): self._add_offsuit(value + rank) elif name == "X_SUITED": biggest = Rank(value) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank < biggest): self._add_suited(value + rank) elif name == "BOTH_PLUS": smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1]) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank < bigger): self._add_suited(value[1] + rank) self._add_offsuit(value[1] + rank) elif name == "BOTH_MINUS": smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1]) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank <= smaller): self._add_suited(value[1] + rank) self._add_offsuit(value[1] + rank) elif name in ("X_PLUS", "X_SUITED_PLUS", "X_OFFSUIT_PLUS"): smallest = Rank(value) first_ranks = (rank for rank in Rank if rank >= smallest) for rank1 in first_ranks: second_ranks = (rank for rank in Rank if rank < rank1) for rank2 in second_ranks: if name != "X_OFFSUIT_PLUS": self._add_suited(rank1.val + rank2.val) if name != "X_SUITED_PLUS": self._add_offsuit(rank1.val + rank2.val) elif name in ("X_MINUS", "X_SUITED_MINUS", "X_OFFSUIT_MINUS"): biggest = Rank(value) first_ranks = (rank for rank in Rank if rank <= biggest) for rank1 in first_ranks: second_ranks = (rank for rank in Rank if rank < rank1) for rank2 in second_ranks: if name != "X_OFFSUIT_MINUS": self._add_suited(rank1.val + rank2.val) if name != "X_SUITED_MINUS": self._add_offsuit(rank1.val + rank2.val) elif name == "COMBO": self._combos.add(Combo(value)) elif name == "OFFSUIT_PLUS": smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1]) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank < bigger): self._add_offsuit(value[1] + rank) elif name == "OFFSUIT_MINUS": smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1]) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank <= smaller): self._add_offsuit(value[1] + rank) elif name == "SUITED_PLUS": smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1]) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank < bigger): self._add_suited(value[1] + rank) elif name == "SUITED_MINUS": smaller, bigger = Rank(value[0]), Rank(value[1]) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if rank <= smaller): self._add_suited(value[1] + rank) elif name == "BOTH_DASH": smaller, bigger = Rank(value[1]), Rank(value[2]) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank <= bigger): self._add_offsuit(value[0] + rank) self._add_suited(value[0] + rank) elif name == "OFFSUIT_DASH": smaller, bigger = Rank(value[1]), Rank(value[2]) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank <= bigger): self._add_offsuit(value[0] + rank) elif name == "SUITED_DASH": smaller, bigger = Rank(value[1]), Rank(value[2]) for rank in (rank.val for rank in Rank if smaller <= rank <= bigger): self._add_suited(value[0] + rank)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): """Creates an instance from a given file, containing a range. It can handle the PokerCruncher (.rng extension) format. """ range_string = Path(filename).open().read() return cls(range_string)
[docs] @classmethod def from_objects(cls, iterable): """Make an instance from an iterable of Combos, Hands or both.""" range_string = " ".join(str(obj) for obj in iterable) return cls(range_string)
def __eq__(self, other): if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return self._all_combos == other._all_combos return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if self.__class__ is other.__class__: return len(self._all_combos) < len(other._all_combos) return NotImplemented def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, Combo): return item in self._combos or item.to_hand() in self._hands elif isinstance(item, Hand): return item in self._all_hands elif isinstance(item, str): if len(item) == 4: combo = Combo(item) return combo in self._combos or combo.to_hand() in self._hands else: return Hand(item) in self._all_hands def __len__(self): return self._count_combos() def __str__(self): return ", ".join(self.rep_pieces) def __repr__(self): range = " ".join(self.rep_pieces) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}('{range}')" def __hash__(self): return hash(self.combos)
[docs] def to_html(self): """Returns a 13x13 HTML table representing the range. The table's CSS class is ``range``, pair cells (td element) are ``pair``, offsuit hands are ``offsuit`` and suited hand cells has ``suited`` css class. The HTML contains no extra whitespace at all. Calculating it should not take more than 30ms (which takes calculating a 100% range). """ # note about speed: I tried with functools.lru_cache, and the initial call was 3-4x slower # than without it, and the need for calling this will usually be once, so no need to cache html = ['<table class="range">'] for row in reversed(Rank): html.append("<tr>") for col in reversed(Rank): if row > col: suit, cssclass = "s", "suited" elif row < col: suit, cssclass = "o", "offsuit" else: suit, cssclass = "", "pair" html.append('<td class="%s">' % cssclass) hand = Hand(row.val + col.val + suit) if hand in self.hands: html.append(str(hand)) html.append("</td>") html.append("</tr>") html.append("</table>") return "".join(html)
[docs] def to_ascii(self, border=False): """Returns a nicely formatted ASCII table with optional borders.""" table = [] if border: table.append("┌" + "─────┬" * 12 + "─────┐\n") line = "├" + "─────┼" * 12 + "─────┤\n" border = "│ " lastline = "\n└" + "─────┴" * 12 + "─────┘" else: line = border = lastline = "" for row in reversed(Rank): for col in reversed(Rank): if row > col: suit = "s" elif row < col: suit = "o" else: suit = "" hand = Hand(row.val + col.val + suit) hand = str(hand) if hand in self.hands else "" table.append(border) table.append(hand.ljust(4)) if row.val != "2": table.append(border) table.append("\n") table.append(line) table.append(border) table.append(lastline) return "".join(table)
@property def rep_pieces(self): """List of str pieces how the Range is represented.""" if self._count_combos() == 1326: return ["XX"] all_combos = self._all_combos pairs = [c for c in all_combos if c.is_pair] pair_pieces = self._get_pieces(pairs, 6) suiteds = [c for c in all_combos if c.is_suited] suited_pieces = self._get_pieces(suiteds, 4) offsuits = [c for c in all_combos if c.is_offsuit] offsuit_pieces = self._get_pieces(offsuits, 12) pair_strs = self._shorten_pieces(pair_pieces) suited_strs = self._shorten_pieces(suited_pieces) offsuit_strs = self._shorten_pieces(offsuit_pieces) return pair_strs + suited_strs + offsuit_strs def _get_pieces(self, combos, combos_in_hand): if not combos: return [] sorted_combos = sorted(combos, reverse=True) hands_and_combos = [] current_combos = [] last_combo = sorted_combos[0] for combo in sorted_combos: if ( last_combo.first.rank == combo.first.rank and last_combo.second.rank == combo.second.rank ): current_combos.append(combo) length = len(current_combos) if length == combos_in_hand: hands_and_combos.append(combo.to_hand()) current_combos = [] else: hands_and_combos.extend(current_combos) current_combos = [combo] last_combo = combo # add the remainder if any, current_combos might be empty hands_and_combos.extend(current_combos) return hands_and_combos def _shorten_pieces(self, pieces): if not pieces: return [] str_pieces = [] first = last = pieces[0] for current in pieces[1:]: if isinstance(last, Combo): str_pieces.append(str(last)) first = last = current elif isinstance(current, Combo): str_pieces.append(self._get_format(first, last)) first = last = current elif ( current.is_pair and Rank.difference(last.first, current.first) == 1 ) or ( last.first == current.first and Rank.difference(last.second, current.second) == 1 ): last = current else: str_pieces.append(self._get_format(first, last)) first = last = current # write out any remaining pieces str_pieces.append(self._get_format(first, last)) return str_pieces def _get_format(self, first, last): if first == last: return str(first) elif ( first.is_pair and first.first.val == "A" or Rank.difference(first.first, first.second) == 1 ): return f"{last}+" elif last.second.val == "2": return f"{first}-" else: return f"{first}-{last}" def _add_pair(self, rank): self._hands.add(Hand(rank * 2)) def _add_offsuit(self, tok): self._hands.add(Hand(tok[0] + tok[1] + "o")) def _add_suited(self, tok): self._hands.add(Hand(tok[0] + tok[1] + "s")) @cached_property def hands(self): """Tuple of hands contained in this range. If only one combo of the same hand is present, it will be shown here. e.g. ``Range('2s2c').hands == (Hand('22'),)`` """ return tuple(sorted(self._all_hands)) @cached_property def combos(self): return tuple(sorted(self._all_combos)) @cached_property def percent(self): """What percent of combos does this range have compared to all the possible combos. There are 1326 total combos in Hold'em: 52 * 51 / 2 (because order doesn't matter) Precision: 2 decimal point """ dec_percent = Decimal(self._count_combos()) / 1326 * 100 # round to two decimal point return float(dec_percent.quantize(Decimal("1.00"))) def _count_combos(self): combo_count = len(self._combos) for hand in self._hands: if hand.is_pair: combo_count += 6 elif hand.is_offsuit: combo_count += 12 elif hand.is_suited: combo_count += 4 return combo_count @cached_property def _all_combos(self): hand_combos = {combo for hand in self._hands for combo in hand.to_combos()} return hand_combos | self._combos @cached_property def _all_hands(self): combo_hands = {combo.to_hand() for combo in self._combos} return combo_hands | self._hands
if __name__ == "__main__": import cProfile print("_all_COMBOS")"Range('XX')._all_combos", sort="tottime") print("COMBOS")"Range('XX').combos", sort="tottime") print("HANDS")"Range('XX').hands", sort="tottime") r = ( "KK-QQ, 88-77, A5s, A3s, K8s+, K3s, Q7s+, Q5s, Q3s, J9s-J5s, T4s+, 97s, 95s-93s, 87s, " "85s-84s, 75s, 64s-63s, 53s, ATo+, K5o+, Q7o-Q5o, J9o-J7o, J4o-J3o, T8o-T3o, 96o+, " "94o-93o, 86o+, 84o-83o, 76o, 74o, 63o, 54o, 22" ) print("R _all_COMBOS")"Range('%s')._all_combos" % r, sort="tottime") print("R COMBOS")"Range('%s').combos" % r, sort="tottime") print("R HANDS")"Range('%s').hands" % r, sort="tottime")