

One of ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘h’, or ‘s’. Alternatively ‘♣’, ‘♦’, ‘♥’, ‘♠’. According to Wikipedia, suits are ranked as:

spades > hearts > diamonds > clubs


A hand can have three “Shapes” according to Wikipedia.

‘o’ for offsuit, ‘s’ for suited hands ‘’ for pairs.

One card without suit. One of ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘T’, ‘J’, ‘Q’, ‘K’, ‘A’.
One exact card with a suit. e.g. ‘As’, ‘2s’. It has a Rank and a Suit.
Consists two Ranks without precise suits like “AKo”, “22”.
Hand comparisons

Comparisons in this library has nothing to do with equities or if a hand beats another. They are only defined so that a consistent ordering can be ensured when representing objects. If you want to compare hands by equity, use pypoker-eval instead.

Comparison rules:
  • pairs are ‘better’ than none-pairs
  • non-pairs are better if at least one of the cards are bigger
  • suited better than offsuit
Exact two cards with suits specified like “2s2c”, “7s6c”. There are total of 1326 Combos.
A range of hands with either in Hand form or Combo. e.g. “55+ AJo+ 7c6h 8s6s”, “66-33 76o-73o AsJc 2s2h” or with other speical notation. (See above.)
Range percent
Compared to the total of 1326 hand Combos, how many are in the range?
Range length
Range size
How many concrete hand Combos are in the range?
Range is “bigger” than another
If there are more hand Combos in it. (Equity vs each other doesn’t matter here.)
Denote one part of a range. In a “66-33 76o-73o AsJc 2s2h” range, there are 4 tokens: - “66-33” meaning 33, 44, 55, 66 - “AsJc” specific Combo - “2s2h” a specific pair of deuces - “76o-73o” several offsuit Hands
Broadway card
T, J, Q, K, A
Face card

Only: J, Q, K.


Ace is not a face card!