Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, division, print_function

import attr
from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date
import requests
from lxml import etree

__all__ = ['get_current_tournaments', 'get_status', 'WEBSITE_URL', 'TOURNAMENTS_XML_URL',

TOURNAMENTS_XML_URL = WEBSITE_URL + '/datafeed_global/tournaments/all.xml'

[docs]@attr.s(slots=True) class _Tournament(object): """Upcoming pokerstars tournament.""" start_date = attr.ib(convert=parse_date) name = attr.ib() game = attr.ib() buyin = attr.ib() players = attr.ib(convert=int)
[docs]def get_current_tournaments(): """Get the next 200 tournaments from pokerstars.""" schedule_page = requests.get(TOURNAMENTS_XML_URL) root = etree.XML(schedule_page.content) for tour in root.iter('{*}tournament'): yield _Tournament( start_date=tour.findtext('{*}start_date'), name=tour.findtext('{*}name'), game=tour.findtext('{*}game'), buyin=tour.findtext('{*}buy_in_fee'), players=tour.get('players') )
[docs]@attr.s(slots=True) class _Status(object): """PokerStars status.""" updated = attr.ib(convert=parse_date) tables = attr.ib() next_update = attr.ib() players = attr.ib() clubs = attr.ib() active_tournaments = attr.ib() total_tournaments = attr.ib() sites = attr.ib() # list of sites, including Play Money club_members = attr.ib()
[docs]@attr.s(slots=True) class _SiteStatus(object): """PokerStars status on different subsites like FR, ES IT or Play Money.""" id = attr.ib() # ".FR", ".ES", ".IT" or 'Play Money' tables = attr.ib() players = attr.ib() active_tournaments = attr.ib()
[docs]def get_status(): """Get pokerstars status: players online, number of tables, etc.""" res = requests.get(STATUS_URL) status = res.json()['tournaments']['summary'] # move all sites under sites attribute, including play money sites = status.pop('site') play_money = status.pop('play_money') play_money['id'] = 'Play Money' sites.append(play_money) sites = tuple(_SiteStatus(**site) for site in sites) return _Status(sites=sites, updated=status.pop('updated'), **status)